Mobile Ember


Rob Harper / @rdharper

Nov 7, 2013

The Bar

View Layer Performance

  • Screaming Crowd
  • Views all the way down
  • Stay in the Run Loop
  • Forcing Reflows

Screaming Crowd

By default, Ember listens to a large number of events

Default Set

Thrash: 500 kB/s, 7.5 MB GC x 2

Offenders Removed
No thrash: 87 kB/s

Remove touchmove, mousemove, mouseenter, and mouseleave events from

Views all the way down

{{value}}, {{#if prop}}, and {{myHelper prop}} all create Views

{{unbound}} and {{#group}} can prevent this

→ cut our render time in half

Avoid excessive View creation - do you need to bind?

Stay in the Run Loop

What happens if you run code outside an Ember run loop?

Bindings, promises, and more schedule a run loop via setTimeout(fn, 0)

setTimeout(fn, 0)
setTimeout(fn, 0)
paint, reflow

Wrap all out-of-Ember event handling in

Forcing Reflows

Reading calculated style from the DOM after writing forces a reflow

fixHeights: function() {
  var el = this.get('element');
  var originalHeight = el.clientHeight; = (Math.ceil(originalHeight / 20) * 20) + 'px';

x 100

Forcing Reflows

Forcing Reflows

Deinterlace reads and writes

100 reads
paint, reflow
100 writes
100 reads, 100 writes

  fixHeights: function() {
    var el = this.get('element');
    var originalHeight = el.clientHeight;'afterRender', function() { = (Math.ceil(originalHeight / 20) * 20) + 'px';
Stays in the same JS event loop execution! (yay)

Use run loop queues to group DOM reads and writes to minimize reflows without returning control to the browser


Oh, and, it's not just ugly